Saturday, November 03, 2007

debugging and testing

Debugging is a methodical process of finding and reducing the number of bugs, or defects, in a computer program or a piece of electronic hardware thus making it behave as expected. Debugging tends to be harder when various subsystems are tightly coupled, as changes in one may cause bugs to emerge in another.
1 Origin
2 Tools
3 Basic steps
3.1 Recognize a bug exists
3.2 Isolate source of bug
3.3 Identify cause of bug
3.4 Determine fix for bug
3.5 Fix and test
4 Steps to reduce debugging
4.1 The correct mindset
4.2 Start at the source
4.3 Treat user input with suspicion
4.4 Use of log files
4.5 Test suites
4.6 Change one thing at a time
4.7 Back out changes that have no effect
4.8 Think of similar situations
5 See also
6 References
7 External links


Freeware Debugging Freeware Download Shareware Download ...
Download freeware Debugging freeware download Debugging shareware download software Debugging software directory provide Software Developer :: Debugging - 57k - Cached - Similar pages

Testing and Debugging Software
Readers chose VMware Workstation as the Best Testing and Debugging - Similar pages

New Approaches to Software Debugging
The long term goal of our research is to investigate more effective, general methods of debugging complicated software systems. We are investigating new - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

Software debugging, testing, and verification
IBM Systems Journal issue 41-1, Software Testing and Verification - Software debugging, testing, and verification - Feature - 53k - Cached - Similar pages

Software Debugging Process: How it goes and how to improve it ...
The process of debugging: formalization & - 31k - Cached - Similar pages

Chipping software for faster debugging
If you've spent some time doing software development, you know that debugging and testing consume more time than writing code, especially on large projects. - 26k - Cached - Similar pages

Deshpande Center - Complex Systems and Communications Projects
This project is applying a novel technology to the problems of understanding, evolving, testing, and debugging software systems. The technology will be able - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

Linux software debugging with GDB
Most flavours of Linux come with the GNU debugger, or gdb to the shell. Gdb lets you see the internal structure of a program, print out variable values, - 53k - Cached - Similar pages

! Aware: default selections: Software Debugging and Testing
Debugging can be just as disciplined, systematic, and quantifiable as any other area of software engineering--which means that we should eventually be able - 50k - Cached - Similar pages

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